Tag Archive: Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor Onscreen


One of the greatest and most popular supervillains ever created synonymous with the idea of a evil super genius. Even those who have never even looked at a Superman comic know the name,… Continue reading

Characters who Unmasked Batman


Bruce Wayne has spent a lot of time money and effort hiding the fact that at night he dons a costume and preys on cowardly and superstitious criminals. Despite all of his skills… Continue reading

The Worst Comic Book Movie Villains


With the explosion of comic to film adaptations, a good number of our favorite heroes have been brought to life on the silver screen. This inevitably means some of our favorite bad guys… Continue reading

Best Rogues Galleries in Comics


It is almost cliched at this point to say that every good superhero is defined by his villains. But that does not make it less true. The best superheroes seem to have an… Continue reading

‘Superman: The Movie’ Retro Review


Over the past ten years I have been forced to endure three Superman movies which portrayed the Man of Steel as less super and more sad and moody. I know I am not… Continue reading

WTF Hollywood!!!??? Get Lex Luthor Right Already!


Critics and fanboys had plenty (mostly negative) things to say about Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice when it hit the multiplexes back in March.  A large portion of that ire was directed… Continue reading

Movie Review: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (Second Opinion)


Plot:  Almost two years after the events of Man of Steel, Superman (Henry Cavill) has become a global fact of life.  However, despite his altruistic intentions and acts of heroism, there’s been quite… Continue reading