Tag Archive: video games

Movie Review: ‘Uncharted’


Director: Ruben Fleischer Cast: Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Sophia Ali, Tati Gabrielle, Tati Gabrielle, Antonio Banderas Plot: Young pickpocket and history enthusiast Nathan Drake is recruited by Victor ‘Sully’ Sullivan to follow the… Continue reading

Video Game Staples that Disappeared


The video game industry has evolved just as quickly as everything else linked to computers and the internet. It moves so quickly that some things considered to be the building blocks of the… Continue reading

Donny and Brook: The Potential of the ‘Uncharted’ Movie


Donny: I know every time a video game is adapted into a movie and looks even slightly like it was made by someone who gives a shit, this gets said about it. But… Continue reading

The Geekery Guide: ‘Ready Player One’


By now you’ve likely seen the trailer for upcoming Steven Spielberg film Ready Player One. In the event that you haven’t, voila! If you’re on this site it’s very likely that you’re at least… Continue reading

We Have The Superhero Movies, So Where Are All The Games?


With the never-ending conveyor belt of superhero films having no end in sight, the respective studios capitalising on the merchandising is inevitable. Toys, TV series tie-ins and just about anything else has been created by Marvel/Disney… Continue reading

Top 10 Best Video Game Openings


First impressions matter. Many video games get themselves bogged down in tutorials or long cinematics without any interaction from the player to really grab a new player. Those designers should take the time… Continue reading

Game Review: ‘XCOM 2’


I don’t need to buy XCOM 2. There are so many reasons not to. I got 3 new games for Christmas and I haven’t finished any of them. I haven’t even played one of… Continue reading

Cheap Game Tuesday: ‘I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream’ iOS


Ok, so I’m about to go on a road trip so let’s see if there’s a decent time waster in the App Store… Candy Crush knock-off, Clash of Clans knock-off, Clash of Clans knock-off, Clash… Continue reading

Tabletop Review: ‘XCOM’


Oh, hey…a board game based on a video game. That totally sounds like a worthwhile investment. Kinda like replacing a Blu-Ray with a VHS. On the other hand, I’ve long loved the XCOM game… Continue reading

Cheap Game Tuesday: ‘Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition’


Ah, that happy moment when a Triple A games has been out long enough to hit the bargain bin! if you missed the chance to play this title when it was released in… Continue reading