10 Actors Who Would Make An Interesting Doctor Who

At the time of writing The Doctor has gone through eleven incarnations and remains one of the most iconic characters in pop culture. Even people who have never seen the show can at least identify him on sight. Early in the show the writers introduced the concept of the Doctor being able to regenerate, which not only changes his appearance but also personality (to a degree), allowing new actors to make the role their own.

This leaves plenty of speculation as to who could step into the role next, and who could make the role interesting.

Paddy Considine

Quirky and oddball with perfect comic timing, it’ll be a miracle if he hadn’t already been considered for the role in the past. Whether they’re looking for a dry, serious Doctor or a wacky one, Considine is capable.

Clive Owen

Owen had a peak in popularity earlier in the decade, which seems to have been on the wane of late. The Doctor would be a small and versatile role that would be perfectly suited for him to demonstrate his abilities. In addition, his deep brooding eyes could be perfect for showing the Doctors tortured past.

Ewan McGregor

The sly and mischievous smile that made him an A-Lister before a series of shallow parts robbed him of decent offers is perfect for the wandering Time Lord out looking to see everything fun in the universe. His rapid changes in expression and mood could bring a healthy dose of comedy to the art.

Bill Nighy

The trend of late has been to make the Doctor younger, but given his nature there’s nothing to say that he couldn’t be played by an older actor once more, especially one so suited to the part. Few people would be as entertaining to see as The Doctor, someone so inherently British, with such a wicked sense of humour and with a general sense of wonder about them.

Rupert Grint

The Doctor always wanted to be ginger! Grint was one of the earliest of the Hogwarts children to start branching out into other roles and quickly proved himself with comedy roles such as Wild Targets, performing alongside Bill Nighy. His goofy charm just needs a decent role to showcase his talents. Suggested by SuperMarcey.

Robert Carlyle

Initially typecast as a Hollywood badguy following his breakout role in Trainspotting, his parts in The Full Monty and Hamish McBeth threw the casting agents for a loop. He’s an actor of enormous range, allowing him to easily mold himself into a new take on the Doctor. Suggested by Hedgehog.

Joseph Gordon Levitt

After scouring the internet for American actors who might bring something new to the part, only JGL stood out as a contender. Sometimes playing the cool guy, sometimes playing the goof, they’re both traits that he could bring to the part.

Tom Hardy

The rising star of British cinema, moving rapidly from arthouse violence-fest Bronson to big budget ensemble Inception and now the big bad in The Dark Knight Rises, if they want to sign this guy up they’d better hurry! Hardy has proven himself to be a brilliant performer with a gift for adaptation and quick shifts in character. Perfect.

Martin Freeman

If Britain was to be personified in a single person, that person would be Martin Freeman. He was instantly loveable in The Office and showed a different side in Sherlock whilst never losing his somewhat sly sense of humour. His raise to stardom will be cemented after the lead role in The Hobbit, but this is a role he’d be perfect for.

Daniel Radcliffe

Stunt casting? Perhaps. But he seems almost born to play the part. A younger, new look for the Doctor would be just as interesting as an older, more experienced performer such as Bill Nighy. He’s got the right personality, the right style – he could be an interesting direction for the part.