‘Scott Pilgrim’ Gets Coloured!

Unless you’ve taken to your Scott Pilgrim books with a set of Crayolas you’ve been enjoying the misadventures of the iconic hipster/indie/slacker just like the rest of us – in black and white. Has this been a problem? Not even slightly. Bryan Lee O’Malley’s artwork has been charmingly awesome and is rich with life and detail. The action leaps of the page even without the vibrant colour palette used by most mainstream comics.

This is about to change.

With the occasional one-shot, the video game and the movie giving us a look at the world of Scott Pilgrim in full colour, fans have been able to see what the comics might have been like if O’Malley had added a splash of paint to the pages. This morning came the awesome news that Oni Press will be re-issuing all six volumes of ‘Scott Pilgrim’ in full colour! Not only that – they’ll be in hardcover and feature new covers by O’Malley!


The digital colouring process will be handled by Nathan Fairbairn, known for his work on ‘Swamp Thing’ and ‘Batman Inc.’. And if he’s good enough for Batman, he’s good enough for Scott Pilgrim! We can expect to see the first embiggened volume (increased to 6″ x 9″) with full colour and hardcovers arrive in August with Volume 2 due in October. From then we’ll get 2 more in 2013 and the final 2 in 2014.

I for one welcome this new addition to the series. No doubt haters will find something to complain about, but the below sample pages look awesome and O’Malley has been involved every step of the way. This doesn’t look like it’s going to take anything away from the original reading experience. Anyway, my copies have suffered many, many readings and could use a break.

Here’s the aforementioned sample pages: please to enjoy!